
Table Generator

Take an undefined amount of keys/values, and return them in a uniquely justified table

The program show how to give a function default, and excess parameters.

Optional key and value justification values are passed, as well as a desired number of keyvalues. A table is created to store the keys and values in different coulomb with the desired justification.

Example:(Slightly misaligned converting to html formatting)

> python

> =======================

> | album               |             1989 |

> | first_name        |              Sam |

> | last_name         |     Redmond |

> | song                  |            Style |

> | artist_fullname | Taylor $wift |

> | shirt_color        |              pink |

> =======================

> =======================

> |               album | 1989             |

> |        first_name | Sam              |

> |         last_name | Redmond     |

> |                  song | Style            |

> | artist_fullname | Taylor $wift |

> |        shirt_color | pink              |

> =======================

> =======================

> |        album        |      1989       |

> |     first_name    |       Sam       |

> |     last_name     |   Redmond   |

> |         song         |       Style       |

> | artist_fullname | Taylor $wift |

> |     shirt_color    |       pink       |

> =======================